Sunday, May 25, 2014

Don't Blow It Now, You Have #Overflow Potential | #TheSISTAHSMinistry, #LivingintheOverflow, @MinisterCeleste

Your Overflow potential and your place of abundance is conditional!  God always establishes His covenants by first establishing clear parameters: In other words - this is what you do and this is what you don’t do; Watch this: These same parameters provide the same framework in which God operates.

Never try to fight your enemy without God’s favor!

Stick with what bought you to the dance!

Don’t let trouble stay when he shows up!

God has brought you out of bondage - Don’t Blow it now!  God has brought you through the wilderness - Don’t Blow it now!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Living with Your Cup Overflowing #TheSISTAHSMinistry, #LivingintheOverflow, @MinisterCeleste

The "Overflow" is only experienced by those Sheep who have declared the LORD to be their Only Shepherd, and are seeking to bring every aspect of their life under the Total Lordship of Jesus Christ.

This Overflow comes as a direct result of following the Lord’s liberating leadership.  He leadeth me, he maketh me, he restoreth my soul and in time of trouble, to rest upon His awesome presence and protection, Yea I walk thru the
valley and knowing the Lord will bring you thru, you can look forward to His perfect provisions, He prepares a table before me, He anoints my head with oil.

Possessing and feeling the Lord’s anointing on your life will cause YOUR CUP TO RUN
OVER!!! It’s that Spillage, that Overflow, that RUN OVER THING that is missing in most of our lives.



In most good resturants the coffee cups are placed up-side down on the saucer. And if you desire coffee, you just turn your cup right-side up. And a good waitress/waiter takes that signal as your desire for coffee. If you want the coffee, just turn your cup right-side up!

Many are trying to live the abundant life with upside-down cups!

Our cup must be turned right side up!  Be opem to believe God and to receive His fullness.

Some cups are not running over because they are cracked!

Cracked from Disobedience!

Cracked from Selfishness!


When your upside-down cups have been turned right side up and your cracked cups have beeen mended, then:


Sunday, May 11, 2014

Life of Overflowing #Joy, #TheSISTAHSMinistry, #LivingintheOverflow, @MinisterCeleste

When we build with God at the center, we will overflow with JOY from God!

Our Joy does not come from problem free life.

It wasn’t easy for Jesus.

It won’t be easy for us:

• People at work may scoff at us
• Our decisions to follow God—to put him at the center--will be unpopular with our old friend base
• We may incur the wrath of our children

Our Joy should comes from seeing God lovingly at work in our lives.

The Christian life is going to God. In going to God, Christians travel the same ground that everyone else walks on, breathe the same air, drink the same water, shop in the same stores, read the same newspapers, are citizens under the same government, pay the same prices for groceries and gasoline, fear the same dangers, are subject to the same pressures, get the same distresses, are buried in the same ground.  The difference is that each step we walk, each breath we breathe, we know we are preserved by God, we know we are accompanied by God, we know we are ruled by God.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Living in the Overflow of #HOPE, #TheSISTAHSMinistry, #LivingintheOverflow, @MinisterCeleste


For many who have placed hope in the wrong things, it is scary to put our hope in something. But hope is essential to life and to living. How can we experience a hope that doesn’t disappoint us and grow in hope so that it is not drowned out by our circumstances?

The hope we have for the future and the hope we live in is solely because of Christ and His payment for our sins through his death and resurrection.

In Christ alone our hope is found!  God gives us Overflowing Hope through His Spirit.

As the Holy Spirit fills you with hope as you grow in faith through the word, through the fellowship of the church, through having your eyes fixed on Christ and the salvation He has given you now along with the inheritance that can never perish spoil or fade, kept in heaven for you, that hope you have overflows so that it can spill on to others.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Overflow of #HOPE, #TheSISTAHSMinistry, #LivingintheOverflow, @MinisterCeleste

Sometimes it is tough to have hope.
There are so many things that are seeking to rob us of hope.

An economy that continues to sputter
Maybe it is a relationship that is difficult
Maybe it is an illness or continued illness in your family
Maybe it is struggling through some difficult financial situations

Satan will seek to use many poor circumstances to try and rob us of hope.

How do we live in Hope?
So how do we live in hope, even when we are facing struggles in life?
God helps us live in hope through His word

Romans 15:4
For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.

It is through reading God’s word, that we see and are taught about how God has been faithful to His people, even amid difficult circumstances.

It is through reading his word that our circumstances don’t necessarily change, but that he gives us strength and encouragement to stand in the hope that we have.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

#TheSISTAHSMinistry, #Prosperity Overflow Series, @MinisterCeleste

God has a place He wants us to go: Destination: Prosperity Overflow. I believe with all my heart that God wants us to prosper. In fact, I believe that prosperity is an expression of God’s love to us. Now please understand, I’m not just talking about money. Prosperity includes money, but it is more than money. God wants you to prosper in your spirit, soul, emotions and physical body. He wants you to prosper in your anointing, relationships, marriage and job. He wants you to excel toward the promises of God.God has already done His part. He’s already made lots of things available to us, but if we don’t understand the process that we need to take to arrive at our destination, we could live the rest of our lives without ever coming into what God fully intended for us.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

New Possibilities in the Life of Overflow

Each day is filled with new possibilities to make major moves in your life.  The new day is another chance to MOVE past fear, low self-esteem, unforgiveness, or doubt.  Sometime we wait, and wait, and wait on every other option, but none of that matters when you have FAITH.  If you want something in life and in experiencing the overflow you need two things: FAITH & ACTION.  Get up, stop making excuses and WALK towards your goal.  Don't spend this day wishing you would have done one thing or another!